If you do not have a Bank Card or you are unable to Pay On-line for your WOWtv Decoder, please deposit your payment for the WOWtv Decoder into the WOWtv bank account below and use your WOWtv Account Number as your reference.

Send your proof of payment to subscriptions@wowtv.co.za
or fax to 086 263 1648
WOWtv Bank Details:
First National Bank
Branch Code: 250-655
Account Number: 625-045-24382


Decoder, $58.30
(About R675)


Smart Card, R110


Dish*, R400


Installation, R450

*If you already have a dstv dish, you don’t need a WOWtv dish again, you save.



Welcome to the WOWtv Family
and thank you for your support.

Please check your email for your
WOWtv Account Number